Friday, October 4, 2013

Making art in an un-artistic world.

So, here I am, living life. Like most people you wake up, have stuff to get done, dishes to do, bills to pay. Life. Day after day, more of the same. Where do I find the color? My laundry needs to be done.

My intention for this month will be to search out the locals. I know you're out there. Like me, among the masses. Hiding in the shadows and searching the aisles of Hobby Lobby looking for "it". (And I don't mean some wicked Stephen King clown.)
They probably even face the same self doubting questions and uninspired couch potato-ness like I do.

My favorite place to think besides in bed or my Studio D'Arte is sitting on the floor of my dusty local library. That place is absolutely running over with ideas if only I could just wrap my mind around it and funnel it into a jar of paint or the tip of a charcoal. On the floor two nights ago between DIY basket making and how to draw like the old masters (yawn) I started to form this survey. To see if what I'm feeling is similar or way off. Ya know? Compare my crazy to that of others.
Is this a good idea?
Of course it is!

Here is the flow straight off of my phone's "Notes":
Oct-local artists.
Do they still make art?
Have they found support within their community.
Have they connected with other artists? Have they felt left out?
Do they compete?
Do they want to connect with the community and other artists?
Where do they find inspiration?
Do they get discouraged?
How many times have they given up?
Local being Lake County
Artist being? What I do? Including musicians? Including all artists? Writers?
Where does it stop? Photographers?
Inspiration hits me at the library. Who is that local artist plus maybe it's the large amount of art and writers. Or everyone else looking for something? Inspiration? Otherworldly? Angels? Muses?

Ok, so maybe that last part got a crazy. That's ok. I'm allowed. This is my freaking free-form thought bible.

How do I find these people? These artists?
I need to set up something a little more formal? Provide a prize if they answer my questions?
I need to set up the perimeters and boundaries or is this gonna be a free for all? You call yourself an artist? Why?

Where do I start? Where the artists hang out? Yeah! 
Where do the artists hang out? 

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