Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hay mås tiempo que vida

"There is more time than life."

Although I was not raised in a home with Mexican traditions, I am of hispanic decent. I do not have a Catholic background and I grew up many, many miles away from the origins of The Day of the Dead. I've always, even as a little girl, loved Halloween and all things dark, macabre and the symbolism of death and skeletons. Not that I was obsessed with the idea of dying mind you. I actually love living and enjoy life immensely.

So today being November 2nd and all I couldn't pass on the opportunity to share my fondness for the art that has become a tradition in my home now that I'm all grown up and can decorate with as many skulls and colors as I want. There are definitely perks to being the grown up!

Here is a little background of the holiday and a bunch of pretty pictures that I know you'll enjoy...take a gander!

*special "thank yous" to my hubby for letting me get up in the baking space while he created tonight's tasty masterpiece and to the lovely ladies at Chill from last night's costume party! Beautiful makeup!! 

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